Sunday 16 December 2012

Windows phone 8 emulator

I have come accross these problems when installing Windows phone 8 emulator in vmware player.

1. CPU
- needs to support virtualization and it needs to be enabled in BIOS

2. operating system
- 64 bit
- needs to be some which supports SLAT (Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 ...)
- needs to have Hyper-V enabled

3. VMware settings
- Edit vmx file and add this configuration hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = "FALSE",  mce.enable = "TRUE"
- Processors setting - enable Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI
- Processors setting - setup at least two cores
- Memory settings - setup enough memory for virtual machine

4. Windows Mobile 8 SDK
- will download and install all required prerequisities, it is good to have prepared steps above

Windows 8 Hyper-V will require SLAT (Second Level Address Translation)
Windows Server 2012 and Hyper-V
Hyper-V in Workstation 8
Windows Phone SDK

Monday 11 June 2012

MSSQL trace file analysis

Today I was looking for a way how to access MSSQL server trace data from TSQL. The solution is to import data to database via function fn_trace_gettable.

SELECT * INTO temp_trc
FROM fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\trace.trc', default);

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Issue to restore of replicated database solved

Restore of backuped database which used replications can be a problem. Database was restored successfully but it was still marked as part of publication (see is_published in sys.databases). There was not possible to truncate, alter structure of tables etc.

This issue can be resolved by running this command on database:

exec sp_removedbreplication 'database_name'