What CSLA.NET is and what it can do?
CSLA.NET is framework which helps you to use business objects to build efficiently various types of application and enables to use object-oriented design in a distributed computing environment.CSLA.NET framework helps developer to:
- support for databinding in Windows and Web Forms
- support for many types of UIs based on the same business objects
- management of validation rules
- management of authorization rules
- N-level undo on a per-object basis (edit, cancel, apply)
- interaction with distributed transaction technologies
There will be created simple application which will show basics of the framework. In the first part the goal will be to create Customer class which will support databinding, contain validation rules, support undo functionality and use LINQ for access to database. Later I will continue with the example, add autorization, other classes and relation between them etc.Business objects in CSLA.NET needs to be serializable objects and their properties, methods are usually divided into following categories:
- Business methods
- Factory methods
- Validation rules
- Authorization rules
- Data access
[Serializable]As I have said before, business object are marked as serializable and are usually derived from some CSLA.NET base class (in our case BusinessBase).
public class Customer : BusinessBase<Customer>
Business methods
#region Business MethodsCustomer class has three public properties. It contains Id as unique identifier and you can see it is read-only property. It is decorated with DataObjectField attribute which shows the field as unique primary key. The attribute can help during databinding but it is not mandatory.
private byte[] timestamp = new byte[8];
private static PropertyInfoIdProperty = RegisterProperty (p=>p.Id, "Customer Id");
/// Read only property - primary key and unique
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectField(true, true)]
public int Id
get { return GetProperty(IdProperty); }
private static PropertyInfoFirstNameProperty = RegisterProperty (p=>p.FirstName, "First Name");
/// Read write property
public string FirstName
get { return GetProperty(FirstNameProperty); }
set { SetProperty(FirstNameProperty, value); }
private static PropertyInfoLastNameProperty = RegisterProperty (p=>p.LastName, "Last Name");
public string LastName
get { return GetProperty(LastNameProperty); }
set { SetProperty(LastNameProperty, value); }
RegisterProperty method indicates that the field belongs to the business object type. GetProperty method retrieve value of the property but at first it check access rights.
Customer class contains also FirstName and LastName property, which are read-write properties. I will only mention SetProperty method which at first check access rights and after that sets new value. It throws an exception when user is not allowed to change the value.
Timestamp property holds database timestamp and is used for optimistic concurrency.
Factory methods
#region Factory MethodsThere is not usually used constructor to create instances of object in CSLA.NET. Instead of that there are used factory methods to create (NewCustomer method), retrieve (GetCustomer method) or delete (DeleteCustomer method). You can see above that there is actually called DataPortal object which abstracts you from the actual data layer. There is used direct access to database in this first article about CSLA.NET but you can use easily e.g. WCF, web services, .NET remoting etc. just by configuring your application.
public static Customer NewCustomer()
return DataPortal.Create();
public static Customer GetCustomer(int id)
return DataPortal.Fetch(new SingleCriteria (id));
public static void DeleteCustomer(int id)
DataPortal.Delete(new SingleCriteria(id));
private Customer()
{ /* Require use of factory methods */ }
Validation rules
#region Validation RulesThe big advantage of CSLA.NET is that object holds its own validation rules. In our case you can see that e.g. FirstName property is required and at maximum 50 characters long. You can specify any validation rules you need. Validation rules are check when the property is changed or by calling ValidationRules.CheckRules() manually.
protected override void AddBusinessRules()
ValidationRules.AddRule(CommonRules.StringRequired, FirstNameProperty);
new CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs(FirstNameProperty, 50));
ValidationRules.AddRule(CommonRules.StringRequired, LastNameProperty);
new CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs(LastNameProperty, 50));
Autorization rules
They allows to say who is able to read/write class properties and also who can create/edit/delete objects of specified type. There are no authorization rules specified in this first demo. If no rules are specified then it means that everyone can do everything.Data access
#region Data AccessThere can be overriden several BusinessBase method for data access. In our case there is used LINQ and stored procedures (instead of fetch method). You can see RunLocal attribute for DataPortal_Create method which means that when the business object is created e.g. by web service then it will not call web service but creates the object locally.
protected override void DataPortal_Create()
LoadProperty(IdProperty, IdProperty.DefaultValue);
LoadProperty(FirstNameProperty, string.Empty);
LoadProperty(LastNameProperty, string.Empty);
private void DataPortal_Fetch(SingleCriteriacriteria)
using (var ctx = ContextManager.GetManager(CSLADemo.DalLinq.Database.CSLADemo))
// get project data
var data = (from p in ctx.DataContext.Customers
where p.Id == criteria.Value
select p).Single();
LoadProperty(IdProperty, data.Id);
LoadProperty(FirstNameProperty, data.FirstName);
LoadProperty(LastNameProperty, data.LastName);
timestamp = data.LastChanged.ToArray();
protected override void DataPortal_Insert()
using (var ctx = ContextManager.GetManager(CSLADemo.DalLinq.Database.CSLADemo))
// insert project data
System.Data.Linq.Binary lastChanged = null;
int? newId = null;
ref newId,
ref lastChanged);
timestamp = lastChanged.ToArray();
LoadProperty(IdProperty, newId);
// update child objects
protected override void DataPortal_Update()
using (var ctx = ContextManager.GetManager(CSLADemo.DalLinq.Database.CSLADemo))
// insert project data
System.Data.Linq.Binary lastChanged = null;
ref lastChanged);
timestamp = lastChanged.ToArray();
// update child objects
protected override void DataPortal_DeleteSelf()
DataPortal_Delete(new SingleCriteria(GetProperty (IdProperty)));
private void DataPortal_Delete(SingleCriteriacriteria)
using (var ctx = ContextManager.GetManager(CSLADemo.DalLinq.Database.CSLADemo))
The other methods are quite standard but you can see another interesting feature of CSLA.NET and that's how it handles transactions. For you as developer it is enough to decorate method with Transactional attribute and method will run as transaction.
There is described how to create single business object in the article but you may be interested what to do after you create it. I think the best is to download source codes of the example and study them a bit. I have choosen win forms GUI for the application but the advantage of the CSLA.NET is that you can use same business objects with any interface you like (web, WPF).Source code
Source codes are available here source code. Zip file should contain everything you need to build the source codes (VS 2008 solution, sql express example database, rebuilt SCLA.NET binaries). You only need to have installed VS 2008 SP1 and sql express database engine on your computer.References
- Expert C# 2008 Business objets book written by Rockford Lhotka
- Rockford Lhotka's website about the framework
- dnrTV webcasts about the framework